Tu powinno się znajdować zdjęcie komórek pamięci RAM
RAM memory cells


RAM (Random Access Memory) Memory for random access. It is constructed from many integrated circuits. RAM can be divided into two types:

Dynamic memory (DRAM) - this is a type of memory that needs frequent refresh, it causes a slower reading of information but at the same time simplifies the construction. This construction is used in the bones of operating memory.

Static memory (SRAM) - This type of memory is faster because it does not need refreshing, but it has less capacity. They are used as a cache, for example in processors or disks.

Memory modules

Currently, the most popular memory modules are DIMM DDR or simply DDR. Several versions of this memory have already been created. Individual modules of DDR memory can be recognized after the manufacturer's marking, or after the required power supply voltage

Name Voltage Max bandwidth
DDR 2.5 3200 MB/s
DDR 2 1.8 8533.33 MB/s
DDR 3 1.5 17066.67 MB/s
DDR 4 1.3 25600 MB/s
Tutaj powinien znajdować się obraz slotu na kość pamięci RAM, ale niestety coś nie pykło
Slot with 1.8 voltage on DDR2 memory.


Released in 2013, the Daft Punk album, called "Random Access Memories" is probably a reference to RAM.

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